I held a single, One Shot Session with my brother and his friend. I recorded the Session and plan to edit it into a trailer or at least a primer video to be presented. I also took the time to gather feedback on the best way to improve my game.
My current plan is to create:
1. New Playbooks. Possible ones more focused on "feminine" parts of anime (words of my other player who was a girl). 2. New Agendas for existing Playbooks. Same player said it would be cool to add at least 1 more Agenda to increase Customizabliliy. 3. New Custom Moves. I want each Playbook to have at least 8 or 9. 4. New "Friendship/Team" Moves. My brother said that, if I want to focus more on the Friendship Aspect of Shounen, I should add in things that let the Players work together. Special Moves and such.